There are four events under the trampoline code, these are Individual Trampoline, Synchronised Trampoline, Double Mini-Trampoline, and Power Tumbling.
NZ has two pathways for trampoline gymnastics, the first is the age group pathway, this means athletes compete in their age group and get to participate at competitions in New Zealand and at the National Championships if they qualify.
The second pathway is the international pathway, this is for athlete able and wanting to represent NZ at international competitions, these athletes also compete within NZ and at the National Championships.
Junior Trampoline: Children in this class will be learning a range of trampoline and double-mini trampoline skills. This helps greatly with spatial awareness and body coordination. The trampolining programme progresses through 10 levels, and children receive a certificate and ribbon at the end of the term if they pass their current level. It typically takes 2 terms to pass a level. The class is open for children aged 5+.
The Junior Trampoline classes are split into 3 age groups.
Junior Jumpers 5 – 6 years
Junior Tramp 7 – 9 years
Junior Tramp 10 – 16 years
Junior Tumbling: Children in this class will learn a range of floor skills, and aim to develop tumbling passes. It is a recreational class for learning basic tumbling skills, such as round offs and walkovers.
The tumbling programme progresses through 10 levels, and children receive a certificate and ribbon at the end of the term if they pass their current level.
The junior class is for levels 1 – 4.
Ages 7 – 12
Intermediate Tumbling
Children in this class will learn a range of floor skills, and aim to develop tumbling passes.
The tumbling programme progresses through 10 levels, and children receive a certificate and ribbon at the end of the term if they pass their current level. This is a great class to learn skills such as aerials and walkover that can be performed for dance classes.
The intermediate class is for levels 5 – 10.
Ages 8 – 14
Intermediate: The intermediates train 3 hours per week. This class is for those older gymnasts wanting more than one session a week, but not yet ready to compete. They train trampoline, DMT, and tumbling.
Senior: The seniors train 6 hours per week. This class is for gymnasts competing and aiming for the national championships. They train and compete in all events; individual trampoline, sychronised trampoline, DMT, and tumbling.
Please note that gymnasts do not have to do all events. They have the option to choose which events they train and compete in.
Gymnasts will need to be assessed before being able to join the intermediate or senior classes.
However, anyone aged 7 or older can join the junior classes.