NOTE: PLEASE USE A DESKTOP OR LAPTOP – the enrolment process doesn’t work well on mobile.
Enrolments for the next term open 3 weeks before the term starts, and stay open until the end of the second week of term. After this time, new members will automatically be placed onto class waiting lists.
Those who are on the waiting lists will be transferred into classes if there are spaces available before the enrolments reopen for the following term.
Ready to register?
Please note: if you are registering a child for a class, please ensure you scroll to the bottom of the Terms & Conditions page (step 3) and agree to the terms and conditions. If the registration is successful, you will get a “green bar of success” at the end of the process.
Please choose an option below.
(Note: if a class is full you will automatically be added to a waiting list, and this will be highlighted next to the selected class.)